Thursday 13 July 2017

Importance of "Time"

The most important key of our life is "Time". Time is the thing which never comes twice in a life, if the time passes then never wait for the passed time and never try to go in your past time just forget it and make your present to enjoy your future. It is said that "Time is more valuable then money" as you can earn your lost money, but can't earn or get your lost time ever. I have a short story for you friends which I would like to share, There was a boy having rich background. His dad was very rich, they have their own family business. He had not studied in his school time just wasted his time by thinking that he had family business and he need not to study hard, time passes he has zero knowledge about running any business or anything. Unfortunately, his dad become sick and went into comma and his family business ruin in huge losses and he was unable to do anything and lost all money. Now he is crying just by saying that "If I had studied on time than I  had not face all this" and trying to get back. but time does not stop for anyone and he got frustrated and commited sucide. So, friends try to understand "Time is more valuable then everything, don't waste it just utilize it properly and be happy".

Life with brain

There are two types of person in this beautiful world ,"rich" and "poor" and their is only one thing is common between them i.e. "Mind". God has given brain to all without doing any inequality. Person who uses his brain for good things and making efforts never become poor and the person who is lazy not doing any work, faces many problems. A proverb is also given for the same "Hard work is the worship of God". So, never become lazy always try to do hard work, use your mind your brain and always be successful...

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Problems in life

Problems in life...
We have a bunch of problems in our life.
Now a days, many people become "Social", it simply means if they are happy they post, if they are sad or they have any problem they post. Actually they only love posting on social networking sites but don't want to face their problems and deeply getting in trouble. I suggest you ,"Don't Facebook your problems try to face them".

Love life

To describe this word in a sentence is not easy or even not possible. It is only a feeling. It is an important element to live a happy life. If there is love then life becomes more interesting, if not then the life becomes bored. So, Popularly said,"Where there is love ,there is life".

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Life is an examination, make it simple

Don't take your life so simple, practically it is hard of course like a difficult exam. Manytimes many people copy others,but they don't know that they are doing cheating with themselves. Doing copy is a crime not only in Constitution but also in your practical life as every person is different their lifestyle, their attitude, their behavior all things are different from each other. So,just don't try to copy others neither you will fail in your own life even you are right...!

Monday 10 July 2017

Live life like Birds

Life and birds..
Friends,"Only birds have a power to fly but we don't" have you ever questioned yourself why?? No? 
I had asked and I got the answer,that answer which you will accept easily and the answer was simple "Birds have good faith as they try to enjoy their life by forgetting their downs they faced and we humans can't"...So,guys try to make your life like a bird and try to fly in a good faith bad things never make you fly..!!
                                     -Dhananjay Kejariwal

Life - "one day"

Life - One day
You have to decide that there is "one day" or "Day one". It simply means that don't try to shift your time your day your happiness or yourself to the next day,you should try to make your day as it is your last day...and just try to live it..happily...

Sunday 9 July 2017

Life a Mission

Always try to make your life a mission not an intermission.because,Life is a mission, not a carrer.
A carrer is a proffession,a mission is a cause.A carrer asks,Whats't in it for me?
A mission asks,How can I make a difference?


Nature is the something which is created by god but decorated by human beings.
To understand this term nature you have to feel,you have to breath,you have to go through nature.
Once you understand you feel this nature your life becomes more happy and you can find happiness in every small things.

Life- Game

Life is a real game and you are the player. We think that this game is difficult to play but friends trust me the game is easy for those who play with joy...some people come like opponent to defeat you but only you have a power to overcome from this and win the game..